I want to read about Scrivener by Kirk McElhearn
Audiobook popularity is increasing, and now AI could make them ubiquitous. Is this a good thing?
Bill Thompson is a thriller author who developed a career as a writer after he retired.
Author profiles on websites that sell books can help you sell more.
It's up to you to market your book. Try getting on podcasts, in book clubs, and getting mentioned by people on Instagram and TikTok.
As part of your author platform, you should have a presence on social media to promote your books.
The hub of your author platform is your website. It's not hard to set one up; here's how.
Allison K. Williams is a writer, editor, and coach, and is the author of Seven Drafts, a book about self-editing.
The domain name of your author website is a key element of your branding.
Building an author platform is essential to your writing career.