I want to read about Scrivener by Kirk McElhearn
When it's time to convert your Scrivener project to an ebook file, you can do this with a few clicks.
S J Watson, author of the hugely popular Before I Go to Sleep, is starting a new project called The Experiment, where he shows readers his first drafts.
The price you choose for your ebook can make the difference between selling hundreds or thousands of copies. We look at how to find the sweet spot.
Ebook pricing may not seem logical, compared to the way paper books are priced. We take a look at how pricing has evolved, and the psychology behind this.
Can authors and publishers do anything to curtail eBook piracy?
Scrivener's freeform Corkboard lets you move virtual index cards around without constraints.
Jaime Green has just published her first book, The Possibility of Life: Science, Imagination, and Our Quest for Kinship in the Cosmos.
You can save time and prevent repetitive stress injuries by dictating texts with Scrivener.
Keeping a journal is a good way to practice writing and develop the habit of writing every day.