Naps aren't just for lazy people, they are a proven technique to enhance creativity.
April Henry writes thrillers for adults and teens. Her slogan is, "I kill people, but only on paper."
Scrivener's compile feature lets you format your project in many ways, and section layouts are the key to this formatting.
When you're finished writing, you need to get your work out of Scrivener. The compile feature allows you to do this.
Scrivener's features for tidying and transforming text can save you from tedious manual editing.
Damon Young is a philosopher, and has also written poetry and children's books.
Scrivener's Trash folder may seem simple, but there are some things you should know about using it.
Writers are among the world's best procrastinators. Sometimes you need to understand why you procrastinate so you can write more.
You can use keywords to mark documents in your Scrivener projects, to help you find which ones have specific characters, settings, and more.