Scrivener lets you save the app's preferences or options in a file, which can be useful as a backup, or to use the settings on another computer.
Charles Shields has written biographies of Harper Lee, Kurt Vonnegut, and Lorraine Hansberry.
Scrivener's statistics can tell you how often you use the words in your projects. This can help you write better.
It's important to avoid distractions when writing; here are a few tips on staying focused, including how to use Scrivener's minimalist Composition Mode.
Annie Finch is a poet, writer, critic, editor, playwright, librettist, translator, and witch.
All three of Scrivener's tools - the Binder, Corkboard, and Outliner - allow you to plan and organize your projects. Choose the one that works best for you.
Scrivener's Corkboard is a powerful way to organize your projects, from brainstorming to editing.
Scrivener's Outline mode helps you plan or rearrange your projects.